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CCF Media celebrated a milestone last month, as October proved to be the agency’s best month for press coverage since pre-Covid.

From Daily Express and Mail Online to Marie Claire and Aesthetics Journal; we’ve bagged plenty of outstanding press coverage for our clients and have plenty of exciting things in the pipeline for November.

With over 15 pieces of national press coverage, plus numerous trade articles online and in print; the team celebrated their record-breaking achievement at the monthly team meet up. It’s good to get together and celebrate the wins.

As an agency, when the pandemic hit we had to adapt – like most people. Working from home became very much the norm and work continued for our clients. It’s been a difficult period (no doubt about it) but we’re thrilled to now be back better than ever in “the new normal.”

Our new team members have all settled in and are making our clients very happy, across PR, digital communications and content/link building. Part of the success, we think, is down to being able to work remotely and embrace a work/life balance.

Looking back, working from home was previously considered something for freelancers, but if anything good as come from the Covid-19 experience it’s that we’re just as productive at home as we are in an office.

Sure you don’t have the office chatter but you have focused meetings online and the chance to work to hours that suit your family life. We think that’s important and has in turn made our team happier – always a good thing!

Director of CCF Media, Carl Frascina, said:

“We’re looking forward to what we generate for our clients ahead of Christmas – it’s an exciting time at the agency. We’re about to onboard new clients from some really exciting parts of the aesthetics sector, and have lots in the pipeline for our existing clients including some top secret pieces of press we look forward to sharing soon.

“It’s all about teamwork. Our full circle approach isn’t just about our output for clients but in how CCF Media work as a team of experts in our respective creative fields. It’s a great time for the agency and we’re hoping to have another excellent month across PR, digital and content.”

Looking for communications advice? Need a new voice behind your brand? Let us help you – contact the team here.

CCF Media celebrates record-breaking month for press coverage

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